Mallet Finger or Baseball Finger
Mallet finger, also known as baseball finger, is an injury to the relatively thin tendon that straightens the end joint of your finger and thumb. With mallet finger, the end joint of your fingertips will bend but will not straighten by itself. You may be able to physically push your finger straight, but it will not naturally hold this position.
What Causes Mallet Finger and Baseball Finger?
The most common cause of mallet finger is when an unyielding object (such as a baseball) hits your thumb or finger and causes it to bend back further than intended. When this happens, the force of the blow tears your extensor tendon. Mallet finger can also occur with a minor force, such as tucking in a bed sheet. After the force or impact has occurred, patients are unable to straighten the thumb or fingertip on their own.
What Happens When You Have Mallet Finger?
A mallet finger injury can either pull the tendon away from where it attaches to the finger bone or outright rupture the tendon. In some instances, a tiny piece of your bone is jerked away with the tendon, which is called an avulsion injury. The most common fingers to be injured are the small finger, ring finger, and long finger on your dominant hand.
Symptoms of Baseball Finger or Mallet Finger
If you have mallet finger, your finger may be bruised, swollen, and painful. Your fingertip will noticeably droop and will only straighten if you push it in place with your other hand. If your nail is detached or if there is blood beneath the nail, it’s vital to seek medical attention to avoid infection. These may be indicators of a cut in the nail bed or a broken finger bone with an open fracture. Each of these injuries places you at risk of infection.
Treatments for Mallet Finger
A mallet finger injury requires the attention of a hand surgeon or hand specialist. Your visit will include a physical examination and an X-ray to determine if the injury forced your bones out of alignment. If you leave this condition untreated, it may result in deformity and stiffness. In children, mallet finger can affect the cartilage, which controls bone growth.
In either case, the hand experts at South Florida Hand and Orthopaedic Center can treat most mallet finger conditions with non-surgical treatments, such as a splint. If your joints are out of line or if there is a large fracture fragment, your physician may consider surgical repair.
Schedule an Appointment with South Florida Hand and Orthopaedic Center
Mallet finger or baseball finger can be frustrating and painful, but South Florida Hand and Orthopaedic Center offers multiple treatment options to remedy this condition. The physicians and staff at South Florida Hand and Orthopaedic Center provide innovative solutions for a wide range of conditions affecting your hands, arms, fingers, and thumb. We treat patients of all ages.