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wrist pain

Scaphoid Non-Union

Scaphoid Non-Union: Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment

The wrist consists of eight small bones arranged in two rows, and one of these bones, the scaphoid, spans both rows. Although crucial for wrist motion and stability, its unique position makes it vulnerable to fractures. Scaphoid fractures are particularly difficult to detect, and with its relatively low blood supply, the bone may fail to heal properly. This is known as scaphoid non-union.

What is Scaphoid Non-Union?

When a scaphoid fracture does not heal properly, it can lead to complications such as:

  • Loss of wrist motion
  • Arthritis
  • Avascular necrosis: This condition occurs when the bone loses its blood supply, causing it to die and collapse.
Symptoms of Scaphoid Non-Union

Scaphoid non-union often results from an untreated fracture and may show the following signs:

  • Pain along the side of the thumb
  • Pain along the wrist
  • Diminished wrist mobility
  • Diminished wrist extension

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is crucial to seek a consultation with a hand specialist at South Florida Hand and Orthopaedic Center. The doctor will conduct an x-ray to confirm the injury, and if necessary, an MRI to check for avascular necrosis.

Treatment for Scaphoid Non-Union

Once a scaphoid fracture fails to heal, the pattern of degeneration is generally predictable, often leading to decreased mobility and arthritis. Treatment options depend on the stage of the fracture and the time since the injury occurred.

  • If arthritis has not developed, surgery and realignment of the bone is typically the preferred treatment.
  • If arthritis has set in or previous reconstructions have failed, the focus of surgery shifts to improving pain and preserving wrist function.

Our doctors at South Florida Hand and Orthopaedic Center will tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs to promote healing and restore optimal wrist function.

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